Jul 29, 2022
Dr. William Marra looks at Faith, Reason, and Christian Wisdom and its relation to happiness.
Jul 29, 2022
Dr. William Marra looks at modern warfare with the Christian conscience. Dr. Marra examines not only the ethical questions involved in modern warfare, but also unilateral disarmament, the peace movement, and the position of the American Bishops.
Jul 29, 2022
Bishop Bernard Stewart, bishop and theologian, answers the following statement: "Since the Second Vatican Council the Church has coined a new word 'ecumenism', realizing that the great Church of Jesus Christ is made up of many more churches than the Catholic Church, emphasizing the common bonds that unite all...
Jul 29, 2022
Dr. William Marra speaks about the importance of a solid Catholic Education. Dr. Marra explains why sound religious formation is crucial for Catholics.
Jul 29, 2022
Dr. William Marra presents a lucid analysis of the Humanist Manifesto and how its philosophical Atheism dominates our society.