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Keep The Faith is pleased to offer to everyone the eternal Truths of the Catholic Faith, ever ancient, ever new. Truths that are needed more than ever today!

Sep 13, 2022

Father Robert Dunn, a traditional priest, prescribes a militant course of Catholic Action. A militant Catholic is not afraid to engage in the battle for the faith, giving fraternal correction and insisting on the legitimate rights that the laity in the Church have to the spiritual goods of the Church and the...

Sep 12, 2022

Father Robert Bishop, examines the role of the Theological Virtues in the restoration of Traditional Catholicism. The kind of god a culture has, determines the kind of culture they have. The battle for the restoration of traditional Catholic culture and liturgy is both a spiritual battle and a material battle....

Sep 12, 2022

Father James McLucas describes how priests living within, especially the ordinary diocesan structures, experience a disconnect between their faith and intellect, and the demands of "obedience" to the current ecclesial structures, practices and liturgy. A mass that is not stable and fixed leads to a morality that is the...

Sep 5, 2022

Father James McLucas reflects on the priest and the Sacrifice of the Mass. Father says in every Mass the priest is offered both Divine and human intimacy.

Sep 5, 2022

Father H. O. Pream reflects on the most Precious Gift of The Holy Eucharist, asking why has God revealed to us things we cannot understand with our own reason? This is a crucial question. This holy, holy priest provides the answer, from St. Thomas Aquinas. Learn what God has in store for us as Father H. O. Pream...