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Keep The Faith is pleased to offer to everyone the eternal Truths of the Catholic Faith, ever ancient, ever new. Truths that are needed more than ever today!

Feb 6, 2021

Fr. Joseph Illo gives a sermon on the mystery and value of Suffering for the sake of the Gospel on this Sexagesima Sunday. Father explains that "If we find ourselves obsessed with avoiding pain, when we can’t bear any suffering, then we deny God’s saving grace at work in us." From the 2019 Monterey Conference -...

Nov 24, 2020

Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri helps us enter by spirit into the awesome mystery of the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ.

May 4, 2020

Fr. Joseph Illo offers a powerful sermon on the trials of Lent. In his sermon, Fr. Illo explains how Lent is an ongoing battle against the World, the Flesh, and the Devil, but especially the Devil who has declared war on God and His Children. In the Gospel of the third week of Lent we see Our Lord driving the Devil out...

Apr 20, 2020

Father Joseph Illo wraps up the conference with a sermon during the Sunday Mass. The Conference theme is "The Vatican and The One-World Religion - Are we Witnessing the Rise of What Saint Pius X Feared?" Fr. Illo addresses the beauty of marriage in all its maturity of love, and overcoming obstacles in the way of grace...