May 11, 2020
Fr. George Rutler analyzes the contemporary crisis of civilization. Since the Protestant Revolution, culture has gradually taken a homo-centric turn. In the 20th century, men became cynical toward faith and enamored with mankind’s role within the cosmos.
May 11, 2020
Dr. McArthur discusses faith and reason. Dr. Ronald McArthur argues that the Catholic Church has always upheld the harmony between faith and reason. The human mind knows truth from two sources, revelation and reason. Dr. Ronald McArthur also speaks of the relationship between faith and reason as they have...
May 11, 2020
Mr. Michael Davies reviews thirty years of liturgical reform. In this lecture, Mr. Micahel Davies touches on the after effects of Ecclesia Dei on its 10th anniversary. He gives an objective assessment of the Pauline reform, and speaks of the advantages of Ecclesia Dei.