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Keep The Faith is pleased to offer to everyone the eternal Truths of the Catholic Faith, ever ancient, ever new. Truths that are needed more than ever today!

Jun 10, 2022

Father C.S. Dunker presents an eyewitness testimony of life in Communist China. A most stark and relevant presentation of Father Dunker’s mid-1950s eyewitness testimony to the diabolic tactics used in Communist China. The true face of communism is shown in vivid detail, and the chilling reality of this powerful anti-God ideology is as relevant today as ever. Father Dunker worked for twenty years among the Chinese, including 27 months under the Communists. He was imprisoned, tried, and condemned to death but ultimately expelled from China. In 1958 he founded the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, which offers reliable information on the nature, propaganda and goals of atheistic Communism.